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Sunday, December 7, 2014

October Meeting Agenda:


October Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
10/10/2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: Jay Kirchhofer, Amelia Stoker, Jacob Goertz, Tate Masunaga, Chris Fanger, Lilly Winfree, Kayly Lembke, Marilyn Spencer, Amy Tzon, Constance Henderson, Nate Roberts, David Edwards, Monica Luttrell, Andrew Sloan, James Rohlfing, Rajkaran Sachdej, Jessica Steinsiek, Josiah Brown, Adam Fox, Dedra Daehn, Sarah Lemley, Karen Seresun, Heather Ennis, Laura Ziegen, Kelsey Priest

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Approved
·         Halloween Party (5 minutes)-Adam Fox
o   Oct. 31st in CROET Atrium.
o   Student council members to sign up for helping out before and after the party.
o   No outside drinks.
·         OnTrack OHSU (5 minutes)-Lilly Winfree
o   Work with local middle and high school students to increase the number of underrepresented students in the health sciences. Lunch and transportation provided.
o   Drop-in Info Hours are Sep. 29th, Oct. 1st, Oct. 3rd in CLSB 4A010 from 9-1.
o   Lunch and Info session is Oct. 8th (CHH 3070) or Oct. 9th (CHH3181) from 12-1.
·         NWCCU Accreditation (10 minutes)- Dedra Daehn
o   In 2010 NWCCU for whole university changed from 10 year accreditation to 7 year accreditation cycle.
o   Year 1 report focused on mission and core themes, year 3 report focused on resources and capacity and year 7 report where all standards are examined.  Right now working on 7 year report.  Focused now on student learning outcomes, planning process and how using data for improvement. 
o   Updating Mission and Core themes, student outcomes and planning process to make improvements.
o   Core team that is writing the standards and a steering committee and K.C. Gilbert is a member of the committee.
o   K.C. Gilbert will sign off on the report for the student representation that the school is in standards.
o   First draft of the report will be done in December and sent to the steering committee.  Students will have the opportunity to go online in January to look at report and provide input.
o   April 27th-29th visit will take place and will have 5 evaluators from other universities in the region to visit with the student group and will set up meetings.
o   Dedra to come back in March to give details about the visit, what to expect. 
o   Student council to share information with classmates and respective schools.
·         Student Insurance Plans (5 minutes)-Marilyn Spencer
o   Health Exchange will allow students to shop for insurance and will see how many students will go to Cover Oregon.  Health Exchange to have a mid-year waiver so students can shop for exchange or OHP plan and waive out for remainder of year. November 15th, open enrollment. Students that want to remain on Aetna can remain on Aetna for remainder of year.
o   Aetna going away in August.
o   Need a metallic tier to qualify for students.
o   Either going to remain on Aetna in August or if enough students go off Aetna then will change to Health Exchange system. Looking at if students want to stay on Aetna plan or do the exchange option but can’t do both.
o   Students to explore options and make decisions by November 15th.
·         Funding Request (5 minutes)-Kelsey Priest
o   Was not sent out prior to the meeting.
o   Kelsey is from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School Chapter.  Hosting Interprofessional West Coast Regional Conference on April 17th and April 18th 2015. Asking $1000 from the council for over 200 students including OHSU students and students coming from out of state.  Funds to go towards food.
o   Looking at $12,000-$13,000 for the event total. 
o   Add it to next month’s agenda because we did not get the budget request ahead of time.
·         Student Council Retreat (5 minutes)-Amelia Stoker
o   October 25th in Salem at a ropes course from 1-5 PM. 
o   Still about 5 spots open so let Amelia Stoker know if you want to join.
·         Sleep Tight Bags (5 minutes) -Kacey from Radiation Therapy
o   Volunteer Opportunity with Salem Women’s and Children’s Shelter.
o   Making stuffed animal bags in December to give to children and make hygiene bags to give to women.
o   Spread the word to students and event may be held at student center.
o   Kacey to make a budget and send to student council representative.
·         Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Day (5 minutes)-James Rohlfing
o   January 24th, 31st or February 7th, 14th, 21st options.
o   Decided on January 31st.
o   Open to any students from OHSU.
·         Ski Trip (5 minutes)-Monica Luttrell
o   MLK weekend January 16th-17th.
o   Increase prices $65 for students and $85 for guests.
o   December 17th dues are due.
·         School Updates (5 minutes)
o   DS1- No clocks in CLSB, electrical outlets unreliable in CLSB, lack of study space in CLSB and want more white boards in CLSB.
o   Karen to bring up these concerns at CLSB Academic Operations Committee with Department heads in building and department staff. 
o   CLSB Study Space survey received responses back from mostly dental students and schools to send out to their classes respectively.
·         Regular Updates (15 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Adam Fox)
o   JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Lilly Winfree)
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Recap GSO BBQ and Information Fair.
§  Mug O’ Joe on November 3rd at CHH.
§  Art Reception coming up at student center October 15th at 5:30 PM.
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  Intramurals starts Monday
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
o   Library (Laura Ziegen)
o   OHSU Communications (Bekki Witt)
§  Anything posted on student portal goes to her. Bekki to start coming to the meetings soon.

Next Meeting:  November 14, 2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*

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