Want to Contribute?

If you would like to add something as a post. Send us an e-mail at scouncil@ohsu.edu. with the subject "post request"

Friday, July 23, 2010


PSU International Programs

Looking for a Dental or Pharmacy student to be part of a panel and
group breakout lunch with 20 Showa Medical University students from
Tokyo. They are undergrads from Med, RN, Dental, Pharmacy schools and
are here on a summer study program for ESL and an intro to US
healthcare and education.

Wed. Aug. 4th 1-3:30pm
Location: SON Room 358

1pm Panel of OHSU Med, Dental, RN, Pharm students ( each gives
brief autobiog, why you chose your profession, where you are in school
and challenges, goals after graduation) Q & A

1:45pm Break into school specific lunch ( provided by PSU) groups
2:30 Each OHSU student takes their group on brief tour of their
respective school
3:30 all groups meet at Koehler Tram to return to PSU

.... there is a modest honorarium of $50.

Contact: Jeff Baffaro, PSU OIA baffaroj@pdx.edu

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Library Hours

Study into the night or by the early morning light!


Starting Monday, June 21, anyone with OHSU ID may use the 4th floor of the library any hour, any day. Quiet study space, study rooms and wireless access is available. The space has recently been painted, and comfortable new lounge chairs are arriving soon. In response to a patron requests, four new high-backed, ergonomic workstation chairs are also on their way.

Also starting on June 21, the library will change open hours.









Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Minutes 7-9-10

Meeting Agenda

OHSU Student Council

7/9/10 12-1:30pm

Location: Student Center Media Room

Meeting started: 12:00pm

Attendants: Charlie Muraki, Rachel Seltzer, Derek Musashe, Jesse Hollander, Violet Lakeland, Dan Walsh, Mike Sparrow, Kirsten Williams, Jason Deignan


I. Welcome/Food/Drinks

II. Approval of June minutes: (postponed: they are posted on blog for interim review; will be up for approval at next meeting)

III. Updates

     a. Student Newsletter Committee (?)

     b. Student Health Advisory Group (Derek Musashe): Higher charge on bill during Fall and Spring to cover for Summer insurance coverage while not technically paying full-time tuition. Also, there is a concern for low ($350) deductible, with implied higher premiums. Derek notes the primary goal is to 'keep everyone in school,' so if they have an illness or injury, they don't become bankrupt, can continue their education, and are not precluded from graduating.

 c. Student Center Planning Committee (Jesse Hollander): Construction progressing with on demand locker room system being installed. First Saturday opening takes place this weekend, with showing of World Cup Soccer match. Discussion of Happy Hour Lounge continues and goes to Bob (last?) for his input. Food services are involved and are looking into the costs associated with liquor license.

Campus Services Orientation at the Student Center on Friday Sept. 24th from 3:00-4:30 (Add to Google Calendar)

GSO Bbq taking place at the CROET on Friday Sept. 24th from 5pm-8pm. (Add to Google Calendar)

Cup O Joe Friday October 8th, 7am at Student Center

d. March Wellness (Joan Feraco): not present; Charlie's update: the current proposal by students is a $25/mo student fee for membership, although students will not be able to opt out. They are considering that students primarily use it for fitness, and less-so for wellness, therefore use fewer services than the scope of services March offers. Also, given that some students apparantly don't even realize that a) they are paying this membership, and b) they are eligible to use it, there is discussion of publicizing it better at student orientation functions. Derek brought up continuing the dialogue on student membership fees annually, as it seems like something we may have to address every year given some of the push-back already. Charlie asked about progress on getting a meeting for the Executive Council with President Robertson.

e. Library (Laura Zeigan): June 21st was kick-off for 24 hour work space on 4th floor. Accessible with badges and a badge must be used to exit or alarm will sound. They have Cushy chairs that everyone should check out. Lauras job description has changed as she will be more involved in focus groups to discover what students want out of their library. She will be needing volunteers in Sept. to participate in testing of library services.

Student open house held Wed. Oct. 20th from 3-6pm, with food, prizes and costumes. (Add to Google Calendar)

f. School representative reports

i. Medical: MS4s getting started with sub-internships and this residency application process; MS3s finished boards, *just* started linical; MS2s FREE!! For the summer; no MS1s till end of August.

ii. Dental: Dive into dentistry this weekend. It gives undergraduates interested in dentistry a chance to work with dental materials. Transition continues for 2nd and 3rd year students.

 iii. Pharmacy: not present

 iv. GSO: "They're busy being nerdy."

 v. Nursing: Acc-baccs are in the full swing of things. Last year's are finishing up in 6 weeks. Graduate nursing is just kicking off a new tutoring program so grad students can tutor undergrads in anatomy & physiology, with the aid of the tutoring director of A&P at PSU.

 vi. PA: (not present; elections in process)

 vii. Allied Health: (not present)

IV. New Business

 a. Budget review: We're going to start tracking ourselves as far as how much we spend. We'll have a spreadsheet or checklist amount that we'll manage on our own.

 b. Student of the month award discussion: this is a discussion from last time: given that there are very few nominations, and it does not seem to be widely recognized, what should we do with this program? Should we ax it? Make it a quarterly award with a higher monetary prize? Or incorporate these resources into expanding awards at the annual Volunteer Banquet? As Kristin Belford is heading up the Volunteer Banquet this year and is not able to be present today, we will postpone this discussion until September.

   c. Potential Legislative Seminar: Kirsten Williams attended an organized nursing Public Policy event in Washington, D.C., re: the process of how legislation is developed, how to present it to your legislators, and other helpful skills in furthering policy change. She has been in touch with faculty with the Oregon Nurses Association and Oregon Medical Association about this. She is thinking of putting ona weekend seminar on how to initiate policy, including how to talk to legislators, have faculty share thoughts, have experienced students ont he panel, etc. Suzy Funkhauser is a great resource, and we are getting in touch with her.



Meeting adjourned: 13:15



Next Meeting: August 13, 2010, 12:00-1:30pm (Add to Google Calendar)