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Thursday, February 12, 2015

December 2014 All Hill Council Minutes


December Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
12/12/2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: Andrew Sloan, Amelia Stoker, James Rohlfing, Tate Masunaga, Adam Fox, Kenneth Gilbert, Meghan Sampson, Heath Kula, Dyann Hamilton, Troy Potter, David Edwards, Lilly Winfree, Karen Seresun, Heather Ennis, Constance Henderson, Dana Director, Hannah Lobbingier, Joseph Sedillo, Kayly Lembke, Lauren Leyland, Megan Carroll, Rajkaran Sachdej, Tyler Light, Shawn Molden, Phil Henzlik.

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Approved
·         Funding Request- Health Care Equity Week (5 minutes)-Meghan Sampson
o   Approved
·         Public Safety (10 minutes)-Heath Kula, Deputy Chief of Public Safety
o   Public safety provides escort on owned or leased OHSU property and can have few exceptions. Exceptions are for unsafe situations. 
o   Blue phone is in process to be installed in between March Wellness and CLSB.
o   6 pm-6 am one officer at March Wellness and 3 officers on the hill.
o   Requesting authorization to operate under Portland safety code for area under the freeway.
o   Get names and specifics for any situation so public safety can address it.
o   When MAX opens there will be a proposal for more public safety staff. 
o   OHSU policy prohibits bringing personal firearms into buildings.
o   Heath Kula to be put on email list to participate in quarterly updates.
o   A map was an idea to let students know where the jurisdiction is for public safety and location of blue phones.
·         CLSB Operations (10 minutes)- Dyann Hamilton and Troy Potter
o   Located on site at CLSB.  Building management in North Tower of CLSB.  Hours for an engineer are 7-8 PM weeknights and 7-6 PM weekends.  Call center for work orders open from 6 am-7 pm.  Phone numbers are on the building management door and on the phones at CLSB.
o   Have quarterly tenant meetings that discuss communication.  Please feel free to attend meetings.  Updates from many departments.
o   After quarterly meeting send out a newsletter with updates.  Can be posted to the portal or going to explore posting in bathrooms.
o   Bulletin boards will be put up in student lounge and around CLSB.
o   If you are interested in attending quarterly meetings let Karen Seresun or K.C. Gilbert know.
o   Tate is interested in attending meetings.
o   Requesting money to put more outlets and appliances into student lounge.  Also requesting another monitor for Streetcar.  Also a request for lost and found manager.  All non-valuable lost and found is in the back of the PSU lecture hall.  Waiting for broadcasting company for TV’s in student lounge. 
o   To address study room shortage, addressing making sure classrooms are open during non-lecture times.  If there is one person in the study rooms and if you have a group you can ask them to leave.  Please leave rooms in good condition.  Janitorial staff only work on Sunday-Thursday evenings.  They do not work Fridays and Saturdays.  Will look into bigger trashcans in study rooms. 
o   7-10 PM Weekdays and 8-5 PM on Saturdays is when the active hours are and past that the systems are not automatic. Hired a consultant to evaluate how the systems are working by the end of the year for the building.  Lights are on at night because they need to be lit all the time but are at a decreased energy.  Need to be lit because they are the hallways which just happen to be on the outside of the building.  Working on automatic sensors for lights. 
o   www.southwaterfrontcampus.com has a handbook for CLSB.  After hours call public safety.    
·         Volunteerism Update (2 minutes)-James Rohlfing
o   12/20 from 9-11:30 PM at Oregon Food Bank. 
·         Portal Update (2 minutes)-James Rohlfing
o   Link to subscribe to get posts into email is in process of getting up and running.
·         All-Hill Ski Trip (2 minutes)-Andrew Sloan
o   $60 for lift tickets $47 for ski/snowboard and boot rentals, or $40 for just ski/snowboard rentals.  
·         School Updates (5 minutes)
·         Regular Updates (15 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Adam Fox)
o   JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Lilly Winfree)
§  December 15th is the deadline for the waiver. 
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  December 15th-27th gym closed for resurfacing.  Reopening on the 29th.
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  Registration January 5th for intramurals and starts the next week.
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
§  January 31st and 1st open 7 am-3 pm
o   Library (Laura Ziegen)
§  Office hours for schools for library down at CLSB.  So set up an appointment with them.  Holiday hours for library open 24 hours. 
o   OHSU Communications (Bekki Witt)

Next Meeting:  January 9th, 2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*

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