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Sunday, December 7, 2014

November Meeting Agenda:


November Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
11/14/2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: Jacque Platta, Amelia Stoker Brian Ogle, Rebekah Bally, Russell Huffman, Hannah Lobingier, Kayly Lembke, Lizzy Sunderhaus, Lilly Winfree, Jacob Goertz, Nina Tran, Megan Carroll, Amy Tzou, Constance Henderson, Tate Masunaga, Tyler Light, David Edwards, James Rohlfing, Chris Fanger, Craig Rudy, Marilyn Spencer, Heather Ennis, Karen Seresun, Sarah Lemley, Dana Director, Bekki Witt

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Approved
·         Funding Request-West Coast Regional Conference (5 minutes)-Kelsey Priest
o   Institute for Healthcare Wellness hosting West Coast Regional Conference in April with 40 chapters from West coast region from Colorado to Alaska and expecting 200 students.  Open to all students and students will have to pay a deposit but if they come to the event they will not have to pay.  Approved for $1000.  Contact Kelsey Priest with questions.
·         Halloween Recap (5 minutes)-K.C. Gilbert
o   Event went smoothly without free alcohol.  Some vandalism and theft of wine.  Advertising could be better next year about the party especially to let people know to bring ID’s.
·         Student Day for Research Week (5 minutes)-Kayly Lembke
o   Student Day is May 4th this year.  Research week is in it’s fourth year and Kayly is wondering if different schools would want to participate in student day.  Questioning whether it would be worth it to reach out further to first and second year students.  Decided advertising could be better to let new students know about the week.  Medical students now required to do a research project so they may be very interested.  Recommend call for abstracts on student portal in January. Deadline for abstracts is late March. Could be brought up in orientation for incoming students.
·         Oregon Food Bank Volunteer Day (5 minutes)-James Rohlfing
o   Saturday, December 20th  9-11:30 am.  James to send out an email and sign up for 10 spots.  Open to all students. Posted on portal. 
·         OHSU Spring Gala (5 minutes)- James Rohlfing
o   Combining dental and medical school proms into a gala that combines all schools included.  Dental school is interested in keeping their GV Black Tie Prom but interested in adding another event.  The event will be looked into availability March 20th at the Student Center.
·         CLSB Security (5 minutes)-James Rohlfing
o   Public safety is shared between CLSB and CHH.  Students asking about a shuttle service due to the underpass near the freeway.  Public safety is in contact with the police department.  Response time is lacking.  Public safety gives students rides to their car.  Have public safety here to discuss safety issues and jurisdiction.  Karen to invite a representative.
·         All-Hill Ski Trip (5 minutes)-K.C. Gilbert
o   Won’t have portal for discount lift tickets until a week before the trip. Condos need to be filled up or extra spot paid for by the group.  Send info for ski trip to the portal.  Money due by December 12th.
·         CLSB study space ( 5minutes)-Tyler Light
o   CLSB study space brought up at Mug O’ Joe and the president is taking it into concern and will be addressing it soon. 
·         School Updates (5 minutes)
o   CLSB Heat-Constance Henderson
§  Concerns over air circulation and heat.  Dana’s recommendation is to go through programs and so they can talk with the building directors.  Heather to bring it up at the next CLSB meeting. 
·         Regular Updates (15 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Adam Fox)
§  Adam not present
o   JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
§  Thursday now open 9:30-7 PM.  Trial through end of December and then will be decided what will happen.  Waiver process is changing winter term. OHP as well as Gold and Platinum insurance plans will be accepted and waivers will not be done through Aetna.  Based on how this goes will determine how the plan will be next year.  Information on portal. 
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Marilyn Spencer)
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§  Submissions for the Pulse coming up. Call for 500 word articles.  Due Wednesday, December 3rd.  Published every 6 months and will be in January.  Has updates on the Pulse from the All-Hill.  Distributed on student portal and physical copies will be available as well. 
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Issued school rebates for school specific requests.  If interested in requesting money go through your administrators.  If you want to know the exact figures let Karen know.  It is based on enrollment. 
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  Gym is closed tonight for the Vendor Fair.  No intramurals the week of Thanksgiving.  December the student center to have a movie night.  Any ideas email Heather.  Heather talked about whiteboards, outlets and clocks at the building meeting and need to know more details about where they need to be put.  Let Heather know those details.
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
o   Library (Laura Ziegen)
§  Going to discuss the CLSB study space survey results soon and are concerned.  Educate underclassmen about more study spaces for example in the library.
o   OHSU Communications (Bekki Witt)
§  Bekki’s goal is to get everyone to use it and looking for comments on the portal.  Going to send out an all student survey in the next week.  Putting together tutorials for how to use the portal. Can post text but can’t post fliers.

Next Meeting:  December 12th, 2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*

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