February Meeting Agenda:
OHSU Student Council (SC)
2/13/2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:
OHSU Student Council (SC)
2/13/2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:
Welcome/Food/Drinks (10
Approval of Past Minutes
(1 minute)
Past meeting minutes approved
Funding Request (5
minutes)- Interprofessional Quiz Bowl
Passed for full $1000. In
previous years, used about $900-$1000. 2 opposed.
Volunteer Awards Ceremony (10
minutes)-Monica Luttrell
Monica explained ethos
behind award ceremony and logistics. Encouraged people to spread word about
nominations and attend event. People nominated for awards submit their CV.
Selection committee is composed of members of All-Hill. Nominations due Feb 16th.
March 5th at ~6pm for CV reading. Food provided. Actual event on
March 12th. Need volunteers for event to help setup and check IDs
for wine bar.
Motorcycle Parking (5
minutes)-Daniel Mick
Daniel raised his concern
that the university does a poor job of incentivizing motorcycle usage despite
it’s positive environmental impacts compared to cars. He also raised the point
that there are many unusable parts of different parking garages that could fit
motorcycles and not cars but result in tickets if parked in. Proposed
solutions: Effect more lenient rules related to where you can park a
motorcycle, reduce fees, paint more motorcycle spots. Dana Director encouraged
us to invite Sue Thompson to our next meeting to discuss this issue. Josiah
Brown will work with Daniel Mick to draft letter of concern. Please add this
issue to next month’s meeting agenda.
Executive Meeting with the Provost (5 minutes)-K.C. Gilbert
Meeting topics included
graduation and student health. University is changing graduation at the
institution level. OSU PharmD now included in graduation.
§ Provost agreed at meeting that communication had been poor
from the higher administration to students. Graduation this year is at
convention center. Begins at 1100. Begins with one large ceremony then breaks
into individual programs. Officially ends at 5PM, however the last 2-3 hours of
the event are blocked for reception. Dana Director reiterated that students are
not responsible for raising funds whatsoever for graduation.
§ Provost stated that moving student health to CLSB is not an
option for reasons of health information security, logistics, and financial
sustainability. It was brought up that moving Student Health to CHH at some
point might be an option. We discussed changing both the policy
Volunteerism-Habitat for Humanity Recap (5 minutes)-James Rohlfing
Last Habitat event very well
attended, with 15/15 spots filled. Plan is to schedule another build day in the
Spring with them.
Gala (5
minutes)-James Rohlfing
Nursing rep states that
their constituents are very involved. PharD students already have spring formal
event, but it is much more expensive. They feel like their constituents would
be very likely to go if the ticket was only $10. Dental feels that the gala
would be more attended by 1st and 2nd years than
upperclassmen. Medical brought up that MS1/MS2 CLSB classrooms could be used
for event. It was brought up Would like
to setup subcommittee for planning. Looking at May 8th. People
generally feel that their constituents would be interested in attending.
All-Hill Ski Trip (2
minutes)-Andrew Sloan
No problems with ski trip.
Representation – Adam
Fox brought up that it would be nice if class presidents of each class were
specifically invited to All Hill meetings to facilitate communication.
School Updates (5
Regular Updates (15 minutes)
Website Coordinator (Adam
JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
§ Currently undergoing some provider turnover, so there may be
some difficulty getting appointments until this spring.
Student Health Advisory Committee (Marilyn Spencer)
§ Insurance that OHSU provides is combining with PSU, ideally
to lower premiums. Waiver will not change. OHP will continue to qualify for
waiver. Currently working on issue of dependent coverage. Only 50 students who
are on school health plan have dependents, and 37 of these are graduate
Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§ Latest Pulse issue last month
Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§ Focus groups last year clearly desired campus pub in Student
Center. Request for Proposal has been written and is being sent out to local vendors
who may be interested in hosting. Provost is behind event.
Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§ Closed Presidents Day. 2/19/2015 SOM Specialty Speed Dating
Event 5:30-7:30PM (Gym closed from noon on). 2/25/2015 – Possible Blazers
Viewing Event, to include food but possibly not alcohol. 3/6/2015 – SOD Black
Tie Ball, gym closed at 12:30PM. 3/12/2015 – Volunteer Awards Ceremony, beings
at 5:30PM, gym closes at 12:30PM. 3/14/2015 – Hoops for Hopes, gym closed all
day. 3/30/2015, Pool closure begins for one week to replace filtration system.
4/4/2015 – New Artist in Student Center, SOD professor.
March Wellness (Erich
§ Not in attendance
Library (Laura Ziegen)
§ Trying to get bulletin board and suggestion box put in at LRC
at CLSB. Has to go through administration because it is considered an
alteration to the building. They are currently analyzing usage of LRC study
rooms. People studying alone in group study rooms will be asked to vacate the
room. Students raised concerns that even quiet areas are still loud from nearby
non-quiet areas. Students would like a designated attendant to enforce library rules.
Recommended to contact Stephanie Kerns, Associate University Librarian.
OHSU Communications (Bekki
§ Not in attendance.
Meeting: March 13, 2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*
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