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Monday, October 13, 2014

Funding Request Form


Copy Paste link to access OHSU All-Hill Funding Request Form. Or  print and use the form below.


Conditions of Funding:
Students enrolled in the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Graduate Studies and PA may request funds from the All-Hill Student Council for interprofessional events.  The event must include students from more than one school program and be designed to bring students from the different schools together.   Students seeking school-specific funding should contact their Dean’s Office and School Government to make a funding request.
Funding is limited to one contribution, per student, per term, depending on availability of funds. Funding of one contribution, per student, per term is not guaranteed. Funds cannot be used for anything other than the purpose stated in the initial request

Funding for individual travel to attend professional development meetings, conferences and individual projects, are not within the scope of All-Hill
Student Council’s funding requests. Funds have been allocated to individual programs for such events. Special circumstances may be considered upon request.
Please fill out the following form and submit a detailed budget outlining the total funding and expenses of the student activity, and submit all requests to Kenneth (KC) Gilbert (gilberke@ohsu.edu) and Amelia Stoker (stoker@ohsu.edu) at least 1 week prior to monthly Student Council meeting to allow for review.   Meeting schedule can be found at: http://ohsustudent.blogspot.com

Primary Contact Person: ­­­­­­­­­________________________________________ Date:__________________

Name of OHSU Organization or Participants:______________________________________________

Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________  E-Mail: ______________________________________

Date of Activity/Event:_________________________________________________________________

Purpose/Description of Activity or Event: _________________________________________________

Total cost of activity/event: $_______________________ Requested amount: $___________________

Please make sure that all fees, including registration or submission fees, are included in the original funding request.

Have you requested funds from your Dean’s Office and School Government prior to making this request with the All-Hill Council?
Yes: ___   Amount received? $________________________
*Please include with this request a copy of the funding request form submitted to your Dean’s Office and Student Government, showing the amount received and signature of fiscal authority.

 No:  ___   If no, please request funding from these sources before submitting a request to the All-Hill Council.       

If funding is approved, requester must submit receipts to Karen Seresun, Assistant Vice Provost for Student Life (seresunk@ohsu.edu) for reimbursement.  Original receipts, mailing address and social security number are needed to issue the reimbursement.  All funding requests take 4-6 weeks to process.

___  I have read and agreed to the following conditions of funding

___________________________________________                      __________________________       

Signature                                                                                       Date


Amount approved by student council: $________________________________________________________________

September Meeting Minutes

September Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
9/12/2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: Megan Carroll, Kelly Chacon, Kayly Lembke, Rajkaran Sachdej, Jordan Young, Anthony Lumbad, Joseph Sedillo, Lauren Leyland, Jacob Goertz, Nina Tran, Quinn Halverson, Josiah Brown, Tyler Light, David Edwards, Monica Luttrell, Jay Kirchhofer, Brian Ogle, Adam Fox, Karl Shao, Marilyn Spencer, Shawn Molden, Sarah Lemley, Karen Seresun, Heather Ennis, Erich Knipschild, Laura Ziegen, Kenneth Gilbert

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Introductions and Council Overview (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Approved.
·         Funding Request GSO Barbeque
o   $2000 dollars requested mostly for catering.
o   Night of October 3rd. On same day as Information Fair.
o   Approved.
·         Student Council Retreat
o   Rope course on a Saturday in October or November.
o   Council interested in participating and will define a date at next meeting.
·         CLSB Concerns
o   Patio furniture on deck.
o   More garbage cans.
o   Study spaces. Survey sent out before PSU students arrive. Working on access to second floor lecture room. 
o   Signage around the building.
o   Lack of food.
o   School not open on Sunday.
o   Moving meetings down to waterfront.  Look into moving it to CHH and may have to change days.
·         Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
o   Student council holiday drive.  Toy drive or food bank. Concern with toy drive with students having to spend money. Soup kitchen, Sisters of the Road, is another option.
o   Representatives to look at Saturday options for a Habitat for Humanity volunteer day.
o   Volunteer tab on student portal an interest of student council to create.
o   October 16th, OHSU Foundation has a volunteer opportunity 5:15-6:00 PM to mingle with trustees.  Let Karen or James Rohlfing know if you are interested.
·         Halloween Party
o   October 31st in CLSB.  Will be asking for volunteers.
·         Regular Updates (15 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Adam Fox)
§  Meeting with Rachel Dresbeck with the portal.  Need more advertising about the portal. It was suggested that students need notification through the portal that they have a new email.  Also, can make it the homepage on computers around campus.
o   JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
§  Yoga program coming to end at end of September.
§  Mindfulness session daily 12:15-12:45 PM.
§  Looking for representatives for student health insurance plan.
§  Thursday 9:30-7:00 PM expanding hours on hill.
§  Flu shots available on Monday.  Also at the GSO BBQ and Information Fair on October 3rd.
o   Student Health Advisory Committee
§  Looking for another representative.  Meet once on a month on Thursdays from 12-1:00 PM and food is provided.
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§  Published twice a year.
§  300 words minimum articles from students.  If interested send to David.
§  David will start gathering articles in October or November
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Information Fair on same day as GSO BBQ.
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  Dodgeball tournament October 9th.
§  Fall registration for intramurals is September 29th.
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
§  Tai Chi and Meditation class is free.
§  Access to March Wellness starting September 22nd for students starting in Fall.
§  March Wellness will validate parking for 2 hours while working out.
o   Library (Laura Ziegen)
§  Reminder that there is 24 hour access to Library.
§  Fliers put up at resource center in CLSB for study room rules.
o   OHSU Communications ()
§  New representative coming soon
·         School Updates
o   Email a topic or concern to Amelia or K.C. the week before the meeting.
o   Friday November 21st for Blazer Night is a possibility.
o   Deposit for Blazer Night is due October 17th

Next Meeting:  Friday, October 10th 2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*

June Meeting Minutes


June Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
6/6/2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendees: K.C. Gilbert, Andrew Sloan, David Edwards, Monica Luttrell, Amelia Stoker, James Rohlfing, Adam Fox, Erich Knipschild, Heather Ennis, Karen Seresun, Laura Zeigen, Dana Director, Greg Moawad, Patrick Holmes, Alexandru Cioara

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Past minutes approved
·         Department of Public Safety (DPS): Senate Bill 565 Implementation- Greg Moawad
o   In 2011, Greg came to a Student Council meeting to talk about raising professionalism and emergency preparedness in Department of Public Safety
o   In 2008, OHSU convened the Critical Incident Readiness Task Force that looked at Portland Police Bureau’s ability to respond to the hill in a mass causality incident.  It was  found that there was a 7-15 minute response time
§  Found Portland Police cannot adequately provide coverage, and the Department of Public Safety lacks legal authority to protect the campus. 
§  Recommended OHSU should seek legislation to provide DPS with police officer authority and now has 24 state-certified police officers. 
§  It was also recommended that OHSU should arm DPS officers or contract with police agency for armed presence. Found contracting is unworkable due to service issues, low value and inadequate training levels.
§  Goal was to build something from the ground up partly due to the unique mental health needs of OHSU community.
o   2013’s Senate Bill 565 was set up to do this 
§  Two committees, training and policy, were set up.  Training included 130 hours of additional training around force mental health critical incident training. 
§  Annual training of 96 hours around mental health interactions that is 8-12 times the state standard
§  Policy team drafted changes on strategic disengagement that allows officers to extricate themselves in instances that risks to themselves or the individual outweighed the public good.  This is first in the nation policy and will hopefully decrease excessive force employed against the mentally ill. 
o   June 26th Greg will go to OHSU Board of Directors for permission to arm officers subject to completion of training program on September 15th.
o   CLSB will have one armed officer at night. Prepared to have armed officer at CLSB during daytime if needed. CHH officer will remain unarmed.
o   Majority of the officers will be on Marquam Hill
·         Student Volunteers to Co-lead Student Orientation Tours
o   Interdisciplinary tours for new student orientation
o   Monday, June 30, August 11, and Sept 29 from 1-6 PM from All-Hill Committee
o   Need more students to help give tours with administrators. If you would like to help, contact Karen.
·         Summer Break and Future Meeting Locations
o   Take July and August meetings off
o   Next meeting is Friday, Sept 12th in MRB 310.
o   New meeting locations were discussed.  Currently, have meetings on the second Friday of the month but with limited spaces to hold meetings at the waterfront may have to change to a different Friday
o   Have MRB 310 booked up for next year already on second Friday of the month
o   Nursing, 3rd and 4th year Med students are on the hill. 60% of students
o   Dentistry, PA, 1st and 2nd year Med students on waterfront. 40% of students
o   Karen will look at other Fridays on the waterfront and report back in September.
·         Regular Updates (20 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Adam Fox)
§  No updates
o   JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
§  Not in attendance
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Dana Director)
§  Need more students to participate and email to Dana.  To design next year’s health insurance program because it is being revamped.
§  Meet once a month
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§  Most articles compiled and will have PDF version next week. Includes:
·         General information about Cover Oregon
·         Section on Match Day
·         General information about Billion Dollar Challenge
·         General contributions of library, JBT Health and Center for Diversity and Inclusion Diversity Survey
·         Quiz-bowl
·         Department of Public Safety
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Focus groups for strategic planning for Student Center
§  Focus groups will be held Tuesday, July 8th and Wednesday, July 9th during the day
§  Send Karen (seresunk@ohsu.edu) an email if interested
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  No intramurals this summer
§  Different sport tournaments (like 3 on 3 basketball, dodge ball, etc.) will be set up instead
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
§  Pool will be drained tonight 6/6
§  Lab Pool will reopen July 16
§  Therapy Pool and whirlpool will reopen July 4th
§  All swimmers are welcome to use the pool at the Student Center
§  Reminder to remember membership cards
§  Med School membership is good for the summer
o   Library (Laura Zeigen)
§  Learning resource center in middle section of CLSB to open in July
§  Study spaces will be there
§  Interface of search tool is changing, but function should be the same
o   OHSU Communications (Matt Van Sickle)
§  Not in attendance
·         Transportation and Parking Representative: Q and A (Sue Thompson and Brett Dodson)
o   Parking for students will be at Schnitzer parking lot which is north to CLSB
o   Schnitzer lot will be open 24 hours and have to pay between 8-5 PM Monday-Friday, otherwise will not have to pay
o   Shuttle will be provided back and forth from Schnitzer to CHH from 5:30-9:30 PM and runs every 12 minutes right now but will be cutting back so will be every 17 minutes
o   Portland State is adding a second street car to decrease traffic
o   There are 300 stalls and costs $3/hr for the first hour, $2 for each of the following hour and maximum of $10/day.  Will start these costs July 1st.
o   Parking validators will be at dental school to five validations to students that need to come for urgent care. Validations work at parking garage. Schnitzer lot uses code
o   Pay to park 24 hours for the garage
o   126 patient parking spots in garage and has a valet option so will always have a place to park.  Will function like CHH
o   Bike facility in garage with racks for 150 bikes and has day locker and showers. First come, first serve. Stairway access to atrium
o   Outside building has 250 racks for bikes
o   September 2015 pedestrian bridge will open.  No foot traffic until then. MAX, Streetcar, pedestrian, bikes, and buses.
o   Send out email to distribute email from Sue about bikes
o   No buses will change routes until bridge opens
o   Motorcycle parking in Schnitzer lot. Same cost as for cars
o   Sue and Brett are willing to come back for future meetings

Next Meeting:  Friday, Sept 12th 2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*