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Thursday, June 12, 2014

May Meeting Minutes


May Meeting Agenda

OHSU Student Council (SC)
5/9/2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310

Called to order:

Attendants: Nate Risley, Quinn Martin, Kenneth (KC) Gilbert, Andrew Sloan, James Rohlfing, Soroush Amali, Adam Fox, Will Price, Todd Hannon, Erich Knipschild, Heather Ennis, Karen Seresun,

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Past minutes approved
·         All-Hill Elections (Nate Risley)
o   President – Kenneth (KC) Gilbert, dental student
o   Vice Presidents – 3 positions
§  James Rohlfing, medical student
§  Monica Luttrell, medical student
§  Andrew Sloan, dental student
o   Communications Coordinator – Amelia Stoker, dental student
o   Web Coordinator – Adam Fox, dental student
o   Pulse Newsletter Editor – David Edwards, graduate student
·         Funding Requests - none
·         Regular Updates (20 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Quinn Martin)
§  Nothing to report
o   Student Health Center (Sarah Lemley, absent)
§  Nothing to report
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Lilly Winfree, absent)
§  Nothing to report
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards, absent)
§  Nothing to report
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Monday, June 30th— New Student Orientation/Summer session A term. 
·         Students are encouraged to be involved with orientation by leading tours.  Please contact Karen Seresun if you’re interested in participating.
§  Provost requested that we run some focus groups to discuss what students, faculty and staff would like (programs, amenities) at the Student Center after the CLSB opens in July.  40% of the student body will be moving to the South Waterfront and 60% of the students are staying on Marquam Hill.   If anyone would like to be involved in these focus groups, please contact Karen Seresun directly.
§  Food service in the Student Center will end June 30th.  University administration is considering looking at an outside vendor to provide food and beverage options.
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  May 19th Playoffs for Intramurals begin.
§  Zip, the therapy dog will be at the Student Center from 11:30 to 1:30 pm on Friday, May 16th and 30th
§  Film festival—3 films will be shown at the Student Center this month.
·         May 12th 5:30 pm — How to die in Oregon.
·         May 15th 5:30 pm — Unnatural causes.
·         May 21st at 5:30 pm —TBD
§  If the Blazers make it to game 5, there will be a viewing party on Wednesday, May 14th - Food & beverage will be provided.
§  91 people were in attendance at the last blazer event, fantastic door prizes were given away, and everyone seemed to have a fun time!
§  The Student Center will be closed on Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
§  May 26th is Memorial Day and March Wellness & Fitness center will be on limited hours (holiday hours).
§  Remind the students to HIPPA in the locker room—be careful what you say in the locker room.
§  The pools are being re-surfaced—will be closed for about 1.5 months.—As such the Nucleus pool will be getting extra traffic from March Wellness

o   Library (Todd Hannon)
§  Data Wrangling Information Session. Next Tuesday 12-130. Free sushi. 1116 Mac Hall.
o   OHSU Communications (Matt Van Sickle, absent)
§  Nothing to report
o   School Reports (15 minutes)
§  Medical School
·         Concerns with retro-active grading and changes to curriculum.
·         Parking discussion at the new school—there is still no parking. Tram hours may be extended? The dental school may be closed at 7pm?  But you can swipe into the building at any time. Perhaps parking may be accessed by swiping?
·         If you are in the garage you can leave. But after 10pm you cannot get in the garage. 
·         There are public safety issues regarding late night travel of students to their cars and home.
·         Discussion regarding parking for pregnant and disabled students.  Will there be any assistance for these students? 
§  Dental School:
·         Same issues—parking and concerns about access to the new building for school work.  Faculties’ favorite catch phrase is “at the new school”.
§  Pharmacy:
·         Incoming students are excited about the new school. The P3’s are starting rotations, so they will be done with didactic. 
·         There are some concerns about the new insurance rules. The students are on a Providence Insurance Plan and may be forced to buy the Aetna Insurance plan. Also frustration that the Insurance Exchange does not qualify for a waiver. 
·         Since the school is now self-insuring do these new rules really help out? Also, there is a financial assistance program to aid in paying bills from OHSU if you are a student.
o   Additional agenda items:
§  Nathan Risley - Discussion regarding responsibilities of the Student Council President and the meetings that the new president (KC) will be attending. 
§  Karen Seresun - Provost wants to see a unified commencement meeting (similar to the orientation).  There will be one all-campus ceremony in the morning and separate school graduations in the afternoon.  Administrators would like to see the All-Hill Student Council President be involved in the large morning ceremony by giving a speech.
§  Discussed trying to get nursing and PA school to get more involved in the AHC. Also options to have the meeting move around campus to increased accessibility to other students.
Nate Risley used his gavel adjourn the meeting at 12:50 pm.
Next Meeting:  Friday, June 6th 2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*

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