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Sunday, December 15, 2013

November SC Meeting Minutes

November Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
11/8/2013, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: Andrew Sloan, Pooja Saini, Alex Cioara, John McLennan, Alyssa Bamba, Lauren Leyland, Christina Butterfield, Niels Brady, Quinn Halverson, James Rohlfing, Lilly Winfree, David Edwards, Daniel Egbert, Quinn Martin, Nate Risley, Matt VanSickle, Dana Director, Karen Seresun, Heather Ennis, Laura Zeyen, Ian Tagge, Sarah Lemley

·      Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·      Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Minutes Approved
·      Funding Request (10 minutes)
o   JBT Yoga (Ian Tagge): Requesting $1,000 for the continuation of yoga classes offered by the Joseph B. Trainer Health and Wellness center.  Classes are held every Thursday from 12:10-1:00 pm.  Yoga classes are open to all students.
§  Have received donations previously from snacks and yoga equipment
§  Class is focused on medative aspects to help manage stress
§  10 to 4 funding request passed.  Funding request passed as a way for JBT to bridge the gap for finding new funding for the yoga class and will not be accepted at a future date. 
·      Blazer Recap
o   332 tickets sold
o   specific gate and time in order to enter early, if the email address was not submitted with the order, those who purchased the tickets will not receive the information
·      All-Hill Ski Trip (K.C. Gilbert, 10 minutes): Two representatives from every school need to be responsible for collecting waivers, money, and room assignments.
o   Some programs are not represented and will need to contact additional programs to make sure all programs are represented
o   Ski trip takes place at Sun River resort; usually we get discounted ski tickets.  Have different sized rooms and there is a get together hosted on Saturday night
o   All students should conduct themselves in a manner that is representative of OHSU
·      Regular Updates (20 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Quinn Martin)
§  Quinn and Monica made a check list for the Halloween party for everything that needs to be done before the party happens
o   Student Health Center (Sarah Lemley)
§  Two new providers are starting at the student health center, a family practitioner and a psychiatrist
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Lilly Winfree)
§  Cover Oregon’s website is having issues and probably won’t be fully functional until the end of December
§  Our health insurance may be affected by this but hopefully will be kept as low as possible
§  If any student has any questions about cover Oregon, they can email Lilly
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§  There are enough articles from students and they are still accepting articles if you want to enter a contest.  The topic is an interdisciplinary opinion paper
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Next Friday and the Friday 2 weeks later, Zip the therapy dog will be there
§  Thursday Nov. 21st contact holmesp@ohsu.edu for
§  Thursday Nov. 21st there will be a speed dating event to promote interdisciplinary communication
§  Student center will close early on Wednesday before Thanksgiving
§  Nucleus café will have warm food items for lunch again starting next week
o   Intramurals (Heather Ennis)
§  Cancellations during the week of Thanksgiving
§  Can do a Blazer game on Dec. 4th if the students want it
§  Next week there will be a holiday movie showing. Email requests to Nate Risley 
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
o   Library (Jackie Wirz)
§  Laura filling in for Jackie
§  Computer people have set up a different log in system and there will be a survey on the new system though Nov. 20th
§  At the end of the term sometimes there will possibly be coffee and cookies out the week of the 9th of December for
o   OHSU Communications (Matt Vansicale)
§  Student.ohsu.edu is now open

Next Meeting:  Friday, December 13, 2013, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*

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