Meeting Agenda:
OHSU Student Council (SC)
12/13/2013, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:
Attendants: Nate Risley, Monica Luttrell, James Rohlfing, Nick Brody, Susan Lou, Daniel McMaster, Chris Fangel, Alex Cioara, David Kyle Robinson, Cristina Butterfield, Kelly Chacon, Soroush Amali, John McLennan, Lauren Leyland, Adam Fox, K.C. Gilbert, Andrew Sloan, Daniel Egbert, Greg Kiene, Matt Van Sickle, Erich Knipschild, Heather Ennis, Karen Seresun, Laura Zeigen, Amelia Stoker, Quinn Halverson, Quinn Martin
OHSU Student Council (SC)
12/13/2013, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:
Attendants: Nate Risley, Monica Luttrell, James Rohlfing, Nick Brody, Susan Lou, Daniel McMaster, Chris Fangel, Alex Cioara, David Kyle Robinson, Cristina Butterfield, Kelly Chacon, Soroush Amali, John McLennan, Lauren Leyland, Adam Fox, K.C. Gilbert, Andrew Sloan, Daniel Egbert, Greg Kiene, Matt Van Sickle, Erich Knipschild, Heather Ennis, Karen Seresun, Laura Zeigen, Amelia Stoker, Quinn Halverson, Quinn Martin
· Welcome/Food/Drinks
(10 minutes)
of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o Minutes approved
Ski Trip (Kenneth Gilbert, 10 minutes)
o Trying to get a possible
extension for the deadline to turn in waivers and payment to next Wednesday,
Dec. 18
o Still trying to find a DJ
for the Saturday night dance party
Education Steering Committee (Jennifer Boyd
& Jeffery Stewart, 10 minutes)
o Would like student input as to what students
have heard and like, what they don’t like, and ways that we think there can be
o Difficult for students to attend the committee
because they meet 4 hours per week during school hours
o Have foundations
o April 4th for patient safety and
quality improvement
o Developing an intermediate
curriculum and advanced curriculum program
o Currently trying to align
scheduling differences and make it so more people can participate
o Advanced curriculum focuses
on what is going on in a practice setting
o Possibility of having
students sit in on meetings
Volunteer Ideas (Monica Luttrell)
o Want to start a volunteer
project for All-Hill
o Something collaborative we
can all participate in
o Yellow brick road, food bank
o Pamphlet called “Give”
Banquet (Monica Luttrell)
o Trying to set a date for the
o March 6th and
March 13th
o Leaning toward March 6th,
further away from finals and end of term issues
o Reminder emails will be sent
out when it comes closer for nominees
o Will need help in the Spring
for volunteers
Updates (20 minutes)
o Website Coordinator (Quinn
§ Student portal is working
§ Separate All-Hill page
o Student Health Center (Sarah
§ Not present
o Student Health Advisory
Committee (Lilly Winfree)
§ Not present
o Student Newsletter Committee
(David Edwards)
§ Draft is completed and
waiting for permission to be published from the Lund Report
o Student Center Planning
Committee (Karen Seresun)
§ Should use the OHSU alcohol
distribution policy and use it for event
o Intramurals/Student Center
Events (Heather Ennis)
§ New Intramural season starts
Tuesday, Jan. 22
o March Wellness
(Erich Knipschild)
§ New classes offered
§ Intro to personal training
is the best option for students interested. $99 for two sessions
o Library
o OHSU Communications (Matt
§ Feedback on the portal is
helpful, there is a feedback button
§ Homepage for all the student
Meeting: Friday, January 10, 2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*