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Monday, May 4, 2015

April 2015 All Hill Council Minutes


April Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
4/10/2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: K.C. Gilbert, Amelia Stoker, Karl Shao, Jacque Platta, Tate Masunaga, Chris Fanger, Jacob Goertz, Lizzy Sunderhaus, Kayly Lembke, Amy Tzou, Quinn Halverson, Andrew Sloan, David Edwards, Monica Luttrell, Heather Ennis, Karen Seresun, Sarah Lemley, Bekki Witt, Laura Ziegen, Dana Director, Rajkaran Sachdej, Donald Henschel, David Toffey

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Approved
·         Funding Request-Women in Science (WIS) Happy Hour Mixer at OMSI (5 minutes)-Maria Purice
o   Happy Hour Mixer with students from all schools at OMSI May 13th at 5:30-8:00 pm.  Requesting $200 for security, server and promotional material.  Flyers once finalized will be sent out to All-Hill to advertise.  Expecting 80 students. Funding request approved.
·         Gala (5 minutes)-James Rohlfing
o   May 8th at the Adriana Ballroom downtown.  Online system to purchase tickets ahead of time which is cheaper.  Ticket includes price of food and alcohol available by purchase.  Looking for 2-3 volunteers to be present at the event to greet and help with setup.  Please help promote to your schools. 
·         All-Hill Elections (5 minutes)- K.C. Gilbert
o   6 positions with stipends.  Email K.C. and Karen a resume and short cover letter that will be distributed to the council.  April 24th is the deadline for applications and the next executive council will be announced at the next May meeting and will take over at June. 
·         School Updates (5 minutes)
·         Regular Updates (15 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Adam Fox)
§  Not present
o   JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
§  Have hired 3 new primary care practitioners.  Formed a collaboration with Pacific Source Insurance via Portland State. Deductables will decrease from $750-300. Dependent coverage will be offered for one more year and then it will no longer be offered. Dental is still required.
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Marilyn Spencer)
§  Not present
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§  Deadline is Friday, April 24th for summer submissions.  It will be distributed through the student portal and in print.  Please email submissions to David Edwards. Published first week of May.
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  1S019 seats 25 available on Fridays in CLSB for next years meeting.  MRB 310 is still available for next year.  Need to know if we want the room by Monday.   Decided to keep meetings next year at MRB 310 instead of CLSB but continue to look for a room in CHH in the future.
§  President Kohler will be the keynote speaker at graduation. April 15th deadline for regalia. Students need to be at the convention center at 10 am.
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  Monday the 13th intramural sports start. Blazer vs. OKC shown at 5 pm on Monday the 13th and Chipotle will be served.  Quiz Bowl was a success with about 35 people there.
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
§  Not present
o   Library (Laura Ziegen and Stephanie Kerns)
§  Looking for students to attend a faculty meeting in May to discuss with the library faculty about OHSU governance.
o   OHSU Communications (Bekki Witt)
§  Student group is working to make the student portal better.  Bekki asked for ideas for a letter from the Provost to new students.  Research week May 4th-8th in old library auditorium.  Call for submissions went out last week.  Student day is May 4th.
·         Funding Request-Health Equity Circle (5 minutes)-David Toffey and Donald Henschel
o   Requested $1500 for membership fees for Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good. Cap is at $1000 and does not seem to cover students all across the schools.  Also, if it is going to be a yearly event, student council does not want to set a standard for covering the cost yearly unless it includes students from across campus. 

Next Meeting:  May 8, 2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*

March 2015 All Hill Council Minutes


March Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
3/13/2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: Bekki Witt, Taryn Hansen, Amelia Stoker, Andrew Sloan, James Rohlfing, David Edwards, K.C. Gilbert, Tyler Light, Constance Henderson, Nichole Slykhous, Amy Tzon, Megan Carroll, Chris Fanger, Elizabeth Sunderhaus, Jacob Goertz, Daniel Mick, Jay Kirchhofer, Adam Fox, Tate Masunaga, Karen Seresun, Heather Ennis, Christine Giatti, Stephanie Kerns, Laura Ziegen

·         Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·         Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Minutes Approved
·         Health Care Equity Week (10 minutes)-Taryn Hansen
o   Problem is event is student run and programs don’t communicate.  Trying to reach out to schools at beginning of year to start communication between schools.  Get in touch with Karen Seresun and Bekki Witt to get communication out at the beginning of the year.  cansler@ohsu.edu to get in contact with Taryn Hansen if have any questions about heath Care Equity Week.  April 26th and lecture series the week before.
·         Volunteer World Health Carnival & Silent Auction (5 minutes)-Tyler Light or Josiah Brown
o   Fundraiser for global health to send people abroad.  $50 to attend the event so not designed for students.  April 17th at CLSB. 
·         Volunteer Awards Ceremony Wrap-Up (5 minutes)-Amelia Stoker
o   150 people in attendance.  Let Amelia know if anything can be done to improve the event next year. 
·         Gala (5 minutes)-James Rohlfing
o   8-12 AM on May 8th   at Adriana Ballroom downtown.  Set up PayPal to purchase tickets to the event.  $1000-1500 may be requested from student council.  $15 tickets. 
·         All-Hill Elections (5 minutes)- K.C. Gilbert
o   Email out information about positions and will send CV and personal statement back to K.C. Gilbert or Karen.  President is the only position you need to be on the executive council for one year to be able to apply for.  Will elect them by the next one or two meetings.
·         School Updates (5 minutes)
o   MS2’s have concerns, Pandora is blocked so let Stephanie Kerns know when that happens and she can get IT to work on it.  Also concerns with JBT not being staffed.
·         Rho Chi Quiz Bowl- Megan Carroll
o   Email team name and members to tobiasa@ohsu.edu by March 29th.
·         Motorcycle Parking-Christine Giatti and Ryan
o   Same application for motorcycles as for cars.  Motorcycle permit approval is decided by individual programs.  Not a lot of students approach parking for motorcycle permit parking.  Can add to the portal to get the information out.  Add motorcycle option to rate sheet and need program approval contacts.  Each program has an allotment and the approvers are usually the Associate Deans.  SoD: Mark Mitchell, SoM UME: Tracy Bumsted, SoM Graduate Studies: Allison Fryer, SoN: Peggy Wros, Other academic programs: David Robinson. Around campus it is pay to park 8-5 PM but free out of those hours except for reserved spots.  Make sure program directors are aware motorcycle parking is available to students.  Parking@ohsu.edu is contact information.  Shamrock run is 7:20-12:15 PM this Saturday.
·         Regular Updates (15 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Adam Fox)
§  No updates
o   JBT Health and Wellness Center (Sarah Lemley)
§  Not present
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Marilyn Spencer)
§  Not present
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§  Calling for articles next month and published first two weeks in May.
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Mug O’ Joe April 6th from 11:45-12:45, lunch will be provided. March 30th pool closure at student center. Hopefully only closed a week.
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  Post around schools about Rho Chi Quiz Bowl on April 2nd.  April 13th intramural registration. April 8th 5:30-7:30 PM Artist reception for Luciano Monetti. 
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
§  Not present
o   Library (Laura Ziegen and Stephanie Kerns)
§  If there is someone at the desk in CLSB computer room then can ask them to go and ask a student to leave the room if there is only one person in the study room.  Stephanie will distribute charts with usage.  Changes are coming to BICK, weekend service hours and will be open to students on the weekends.  Effective March 21st.  Please give feedback during Spring term to Stephanie Kerns or at the desk. Adjustments will be made after usage charts are made.  Printer coming on 4th floor.
o   OHSU Communications (Bekki Witt)
§  Can customize news feed on portal now.  Announcements box is going away.  Things are moving along with the portal.  Usage is increasing for the portal. 

Next Meeting:  April 10, 2015, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*