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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

March 2014 Meeting Minutes


March Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC)
3/14/2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm
Location: MRB 310
Called to order:

Attendants: Andrew Sloan, Nate Risley, K.C. Gilbert, Monica Luttrell, james Rohlfing, Will Price, Soroush Amali, Amelia Stoker, Daniel McMaster, Chris Famger, Lilly Winfree, Daniel Egbert, Ali Chisti, Lauren Leyland, Jordan Pokryki, Susan Lou, Alexander Cioara, Gregory Kiene, Sherry Levin, Joe Kent, Quinn Martin

·      Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
·      Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute)
o   Minutes Approved
·      Funding Requests (10 minutes)
o   All Hill Kickball Tournament (Jordan Pokryfki)
§  Did not have the event last year, but has been an event in previous years
§  Field request for Col. Summers Park 11:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, May 17th
§  Requesting $1,100 for park permit, food, drinks
§  Funding request passed for $1,000; no votes opposed
o   Student Diversity Committee (Sherry Kim)
§  Funding for April and May for 3 additional films for the All Hill Film Festival
§  Motion to approve full amount ($295)
§  Vote for approval passed with one opposed; $295
·      All Hill Volunteer Event (Monica Luttrell)
o   Habitat for Humanity
o   May 31st is the proposed date, an email will be sent to the council to determine the number of people who will be able to participate
o   Possibly create a volunteer coordinator position on the council
·      Donate Life Oregon (Monica Luttrell)
o   Organ donation for Oregon and Washington
o   Initiative to sign people up for organ donation
o   Contact Monica Luttrell if interested in being involved in the program
·      Sun River Contract (Nate Risley)
o   Contract for 2 years for Sun River in order keep rates and MLK weekend
·      Parking at CLSB (KC Gilbert)
o   There may not be parking available on weekends at the Collaborative Life Sciences Building
o   One of the big issues is that after hours parking is free and access to the building after hours is available
o   There is suppose to be 24 hour access with ID cards to the CLSB
o   Should have a committee meeting for parking
·      Executive Committee Elections (Nate Risley)
o   7 positions available
o   Each position is paid, president is $1,500 and all other positions are $1,000
o   Elections will take place at the end of April or beginning of May
·      Regular Updates (20 minutes)
o   Website Coordinator (Quinn Martin)
§  No new news
o   Student Health Center (Sarah Lemley)
§  Flyer passed out about current events
o   Student Health Advisory Committee (Lilly Winfree)
§  Changes to student health insurance, monthly price will increase
§  Tax will be added due to Affordable Care Act
§  Medical and prescription out of pocket costs are in one pool
o   Student Newsletter Committee (David Edwards)
§  Planning on collecting articles sometime in April to publish in May
o   Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun)
§  Awards ceremony was a success, 140 people attended
§  Mug of Joe on Monday, April 28th
§  Hills for Humanity, Saturday April 12th 5k fun run and a hike
o   Intramurals/Student Center Events (Heather Ennis)
§  Spring intramural registration have started
§  Leagues start April 7th
§  Quiz Bowl registration is due by March 31st , event is April 3rd
o   March Wellness (Erich Knipschild)
§  Unable to attend
o   Library (Laura Ziegen)
§  Poetry contest winner has been notified and there will be information coming out soon and poems will be on display in the library for the month of April
§  Reception on Wednesday, April 23rd for 2 hours in the evening
§  Will be noise on Monday when they install a PA exhibit
o   OHSU Communications (Matt Van Sickle)
§  Schools that are not on the student portal will be coming on soon
§  Make the student portal a homepage for academic computers
Next Meeting:  Friday April 11th 2014, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310*