Want to Contribute?

If you would like to add something as a post. Send us an e-mail at scouncil@ohsu.edu. with the subject "post request"

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Google chrome for a good cause!

Participate in charitable projects with the rest of the Chrome community. Install the Chrome for a Cause extension and your web browsing will drive donations made to charities around the world. Between December 15 - 19, every tab you open will support a good cause. To find out more about this effort and the organizations we're partnering with, visit http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/p/cause/


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nov 12 2010 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes (Download)
OHSU Student Council (SC)
11/12/10, 12:00-1:30pm
Location: BRB 381

I. Welcome:
Charlie: Student Council meetings will operate with the goal of finishing by 1:00 the most important issues will be addressed towards the beginning of the meeting.
II. Approval of Past Minutes:
June, September, and October minutes were approved.
III. Services Updates:
Student Newsletter:
Vijay has 15 articles, though he would like more articles from student council members.
The next issue will come out in December.
Student Health Advisory Committee:
The Student Health Center will expanding into a new space; more space is needed for an IV hydration room the area must be vacated by Dec 15th.
AETNA waiver process may be amended to be more user friendly.
At the last meeting, the impacts of the healthcare reform on OHSU student health plan Derek speculates that premium will go up.
Extension of coverage?
Physical therapy, etc.
All preventative care received outside of OHSU will be covered 100% by insurance. Currently, these procedures are only 100% covered when performed by OHSU Student Health.
STI screening, high cholesterol treatment, drug abuse, diabetes, women’s health, etc.
These procedures/treatments are covered on campus, but students will now have the option of obtaining care outside of OHSU.
This policy will take effect August 2011.
Student Center Planning Committee:
Bookstore is moving from the second floor to the first floor (beginning end of February, completed by the end of March).
The space will become a “game space.”
Computer stations will also move to the second floor.
There are plans to replace the gym floor
Acoustic tiling will be added to Nucleus Global to dampen sound.
Open Saturdays 9:00-5:00 pm usage has been limited.
A new artist will be featured until February, at which time a new artist will be featured until July.
If artists are interested in being featured, they can contact Karen Seresun.
11/16/10 SOM “speed dating” session at 6:00 pm.
11/19/10 SOM “speed dating” session at 6:00 pm.
Media room: Copyright infringement concerns. Students can no longer show videos on a “drop-in” basis a licensing procedure must be followed prior to the viewing of a movie.
Licensing fees may be waived if a professor is in attendance.
Dental School ASDA Vendor Fair:
Thursday, November 19th 6:00-8:00 pm. The gym will close at 2:00 pm on Thursday, November 19th during set-up.
Trailblazer game on Nov. 4th:
About 60 people attended mostly dental students.
Thursday, December 9th, 7:30
The next meeting is 11/16/10 from 12:00-2:00 pm.
March Wellness: New Classes see handout.
Lecture on VO2 Max and Endurance (see flier).
Mindful Strength Training class has been added to the schedule.
Ski Conditioning Workshop.
Freestyle Swim Clinic improving one’s stroke and swim fitness level (participants must be able to swim two lengths of the pool without stopping).
Register by calling or stopping by the front desk.
Wants to schedule a meeting with March Wellness to discuss the budget for next year.
Jackie Wirz (new employee; PhD in biochemistry) will facilitate student use of information inside and outside of the library she will teach classes about how students can use library resources when not on campus.
SON: Mondays from 10:00-2:00pm Loriee Hyde (library employee) will host open office hours on the 6th floor of the SON.
The library has liaisons assigned to every school and program at OHSU contact the library to get in touch with your school/program’s liason.
Incidental Fees:
School meetings (GSO, SOM, SOD, SON). Feedback will come in from schools and Student Center/March Wellness over Dec/Jan.
A report needs to be prepared for the OHSU president by February!
All incidental fee meetings must be public.
Two reps are needed from each school to sit on the committee to make incidental fee recommendations reps will be announced.
An online survey may also be put out in January.
Legislative Update:
Student Awards Banquet:
The Student of the Month Award is being discontinued (based on unanimous approval upon motion by Jordan Buhr) the funds which were originally allocated for this reward will now be applied to the Student Awards Banquet.
The details are currently vague more information will provided regarding cost allocation.
IV. Activities Updates:
Intramurals: (see Student Center Planning Committee above)
Halloween Party Report:
It was a successful event; Jesse appreciated assistance with set-up/clean-up.
All-Hill Ski Trip:
Fliers will go up next week January 7th-9th, 2011 at Sun River.
A student representative from each school is needed this person will manage sign-ups and payments for their respective school.
Check will be due ($55 for students, $65 for spouses; 40% is subsidized by Student Council) mid-December (date TBA).
Drinks at the party will be subsidized in an effort to limit outside alcohol being brought into the facility (with hopes of limiting the security presence at the event)
V. New Business:
Community Outreach Coordinator
There is a lack of coordination between faculty and students. Ali Christi wants to be the coordinator for all the different groups at OHSU. Ali will provide details of the position at the next meeting.
Funding Request – SOM had a doctor who served in Haiti talk about her experience. SOM is requesting $350 to cover the speaker
Student council approved to cover the SOM cost
Discussion on budgeting funding requests – topic will be talked next time.
Funding Request – SOD wants to support the “Mission of Mercy,” oral health care mission to be held on Nov 22-23 at the Oregon Convention Center. Mission of Mercy helps provide dental procedures for under insured populations. Motion to donate $300.
Student Council approved to cover the event

Next Meeting: Friday, Dec 10, 2010, 12:00-1:30pm

Monday, November 15, 2010

Changes to Movie Viewing in the Student Center Media Room

Unfortunately, due to film & video copyright infringement concerns, we will no longer be able to informally show movies or videos at the Student Center on a drop-in basis. Students will still be able to view movies at the center as long as they complete a formal movie request form, which is available from Heather Ennis, Assistant Director of Student Center and Student Activities at ennish@ohsu.edu or (503) 494-4556. The implementation of this formal process is to ensure that we obtain the proper licensing requirements as outlined by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and comply with the Federal Copyright Act that governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be utilized publicly. The Student Center staff is committed to meeting the students' entertainment needs as well as providng social activities for the student body, and we look forward to working with you on this matter.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes (DOWNLOAD)

OHSU Student Council (SC)

10/8/10, 12:10-1:30pm

Location: BRB 381


Kristin Belford (NS) Ilkyu Lee (DS) Jennifer Goodman (NS)

Lauren Moffitt (MS2) Tim Lafolette (GNS) Jason Tee (PharmS)

Jason Deignan (GS6) Laura Masch (PA1) Sarah Wampold (PA1)

Vijay Patel (DS) Nate Risley (DS) Laura Chaney (RTS)

Jordan Buhr (DS) Kirsten Williams (NS) Daniel M. Walsh (DS2)

Derek Musashe (GS4) Rachel Seltzer (MS4) Charlie Muraki (DS3)

Heather Ennis (Assistant Director, Student Center)

Karen Seresun (Assistant Vice Provost, Student Life)

I. Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)

II. Approval of Past Minutes (5 minutes):


III. Services Updates (30 minutes)

a. Student Newsletter Committee (Vijay Patel):

b. Student Health Advisory Group (Derek Musashe): Students did not notice drop-off in coverage; as Derek says, the goal was “to make the transition from ODS to Aetna as seamless as possible.”

c. Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun, Jesse Hollander (not present)):

i. Global Health Center: Meet & Greet at the Student Center today (10/8/10) from 6-8pm.

ii. The Student Center would like to have monthly social events for students across disciplines and possibly faculty to come together

1. Bring more collegiality and/or camaraderie

2. Food available or for purchase

3. Students may be able to bring own alcohol; maybe Student Council/Student Center can get a permit to allow BYOB for a limited duration of time on such evenings, e.g. one Thursday evening a month

4. The GSO BBQ was a success. There was participation from schools across campus.

d. March Wellness (Joan Feraco):

e. Library (Laura Zeigan (not present), per email):

i. Halloween Party/3rd Annual Library Student Open House, Wed, October 20, 4:30-6pm, in the BICC. Flyer: raffle and prizes, food and beverages, popcorn and movie, candy; Raffle tickets available to collect at the following information stations: Scholarly Communications, After-Hours Study Space, User Survey, Student Scholar Archive, RefWorks, ILL & Summit

ii. She invites students to let her know if anyone has any questions, or how she or the library services can help individual students or student bodies.

iii. The OHSU Library 2010 Open Access Week Seminar (flyer dispersed): Faye Chadwell, MLS, Associate Librarian, Oregon State University. “Rights Well: Resources for Maintaining Your Rights as an Author.” Friday, Oct 22nd, 11am, BICC 429.

f. Community Service Fair Discussion (Charlie Muraki, Katie Yates (not present)):

i. Community Fair was held yesterday evening. Heavy dental student presence, lower pharm presence; iPod nano drawing, one for each school. Many organizations were present to describe their services; most of whom have relationships with OHSU students in some capacity—lots of opportunities to get involved!

g. Incidental Fees (Charlie Muraki):

i. Karen is meeting with the Associate Deans of the schools soon to discuss these funds and figure out how and to whom these funds go and how they are accessible by students.

ii. Karen: will check with SOM to find out who received the funds. Rachel Selzer checked with the Student Senate President, and he knows nothing of it, hasn’t heard of incidental fees, and doesn’t anticipate ever hearing/seeing anything from it.

1. Talk to Kathy Hollosey and/or Dr. Grady-Weliky

2. ADDENDUM: Kathy Hollosy said the SOM has received the rebate, and she and Dr. Molly Osborne (SOM Associate Dean for Student Affairs) need to meet with Brian Garvey (Med Student Senate President) and Ricky Tavangari (also on Student Senate) to discuss it.

iii. Establish Incidental Fee Committee (one member from each representative school?)

1. Recommendation to President Robertson in spring of each year for following year’s budget.

2. $1.5mm annually

3. Where it goes, how it’s spent

4. Next Saturday at 10:30am in the Student Center media room; open to the public

5. SC now receiving a monthly budget through Karen on IFs

6. Volunteers: Derek Musashe (GS4), Ali Chisti (MS2), Jason Tee (PharmS), Rilen Stucke (MS1)

h. Legislative Update (Kirsten Williams, Rae Seltzer):

i. *** NOT DONE. PRIORITIZE AT NEXT MEETING. Prior conversations with Suzy Funkhouser?

ii. *** NOT DONE. PRIORITIZE AT NEXT MEETING. Shall we invite her to join us at a SC meeting?

iii. Student Policy Workshop: January 22nd, 10-4

iv. OHSU Student Day at the legislature: in February

i. Student Awards Banquet


II. School Updates

a. PA:


1. This weekend, in Newport, OR

2. Silent Auction for Outside In!

ii. Kickball Tournament: have no fear—they’re organizing it.

b. Nursing:

i. Tomorrow undergrad retreat for SNA; there is definitely interest by nursing students in getting more involved, including from Acc-Bacc and incoming sophomores

ii. IOM released report on future of nursing on Tuesday; Dean Bligh sat on the IOM committee that compiled the report; the report highlights some sound recommendations for the future of nursing

iii. School of Nursing centennial is this year!

c. Medical:

i. CTUW and other outreach

ii. MS3 shelf exams today

iii. MS4 residency apps!

d. Dental:

i. Mission of Mercy community outreach: Monday-Tuesday before Thanksgiving, providing free dental care for all comers; provides all dental equipment; providers provide services; this is the first one west of the Rockies; patients line up the night before; for advertising: consider Street Roots

ii. Volunteers needed (Sunday & Wednesday to set up and break down)

1. ADDENDUM: consider volunteers for one of two shifts: either Sun/Mon or Tue/Wed

iii. Pre-Dental Society at PSU could easily be invited to participate as well

e. Pharmacy: Starts up again in two weeks

f. GSO:

i. BBQ a huge success, with a huge turn-out

ii. Social being planned for Fall term in the next couple months

iii. Ski Trip

g. Allied Health:

i. How do we aim to incorporate Allied Health?

ii. ADDENDUM: Laura Chaney (RTS) was present at the meeting. I (Rae) propose we consider splitting meeting business in half every month, so that students from all schools can catch most of the meeting between about 12:10-12:50.

IV. Activities Updates

a. Intramurals (Heather Ennis):

b. Halloween Party (Vijay Patel; Jesse Hollander (not present):

i. Nick Tadros (R3, Urology, OHSU grad) has a band called the Brave Chandeliers. They like to play a free show for Halloween, and offered to play at our Halloween Party this year! Any takers? Or would you prefer a DJ?

ii. Flyer: Friday, October 29th, 7-10pm, CROET Atrium; food and drinks provided; Costume contest $50 Apple gift cards to top four costumes

iii. There is also talk of a Battle of the Bands amongst student vs resident vs physician bands. Thoughts?

c. All-Hill Ski Trip (Kristin Belford; Jesse Hollander (not present):

i. Weekend of 1/7/10-1/9/11

V. New Business (30 minutes)

a. Stand-in Secretary while Rae is away for rotations and interviews?

b. Potential Community Outreach Coordinator position?: Ali Chisti, MS3, has been very active in coordinating collaborative outreach programs amongst multiple medical school groups, including Cover the Uninsured Week and the Diversity group. He is interested in fostering communication with the service-oriented groups in the other schools. He's especially interested in connecting people/groups currently doing outreach. Would there be a role for this at student council? (E.g. rural OHSU nursing students collaborating with med student on Tar Wars.)

i. Post to blog

ii. Link to Sakai (Tom Boudreau?)—Jason Tee


c. FUNDING REQUEST (Vijay Patel, DS): ASDA wants to request $75 to purchase toothbrushes, floss, and toothpaste to participate in the Wells Fargo Financial Health Awareness Fair 2010 (10/21/10, 10am-3pm, details in email). The idea is to bring local and national organizations to Wells Fargo employees to enable them to get involved in giving back to the community.


d. FUNDING REQUEST: (Miranda Lanning) Global Health Center Student Group: This year we are specifically working towards a student group that is more inclusive of all schools and gives students a chance to interact and learn from each other. As a kick-off event, we are planning a Meet and Greet for this Friday, October 8th from 6-8pm at the Student Center on campus. This will be an opportunity for students to meet doctors, PAs, dentists, nurses, researchers and faculty who are including international work as a part of their practice. So far we have over 25 faculty and 60 students signed up and we will be serving beer, wine and appetizers. Please consider our funding request for $500 to defray the costs.

i. Form


Next Meeting: Friday, Nov 12, 2010, 12:00-1:30pm


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monday Night Football at the Student Center

Watch the Minnesota Vikings vs. NY Jets on Monday, October 11th in the Student Center media room. The game starts at 5:30 pm and popcorn and soda will provided.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Golden Hour for Providers--Economic Crisis and the Impact of Health Reform - GRAND ROUNDS

The Golden Hour for Providers--Economic Crisis and the Impact of Health Reform

Healthcare providers are facing an unprecedented set of challenges as 2010 comes to a close. The hangover of economic turbulence in the past 2 years is just beginning to be felt by many providers as employment remains soft, many workers who involuntarily lost their jobs are losing COBRA subsidies and/or COBRA benefits, and consumer sentiment remains uncertain, at the same time that employers continue to shift costs onto employees and the total size of the commercial pool continues to slowly shrink. The environment for the next several years shows no sign of changing course from these difficult trends, until 2014, when the full impact of Health Reform will begin to be felt across the industry. During this talk, we will examine the challenges facing providers both pre- and post- reform, and discuss some of the imperatives it will take for winners to remain ahead of the game and emerge from this "Golden Hour" with a clean bill of health.
Speaker : Dr. Edward Levine, MD, is a Principal in McKinsey & Company's Silicon Valley Office
and a core leader in the West Coast Healthcare and North American Payor Provider Practices

Dates/Times: Wednesday, September 29, 5:30 PM Networking; 6:00 PM Presentation

Location: OHSU Marquam Hill Campus, ( campus map),

School of Nursing Auditorium, Room 144

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aug Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes (Download)
OHSU Student Council
8/10/10, 12:10-1:30pm
Location: BRB 381

Attendants: Rachel Seltzer MS4, Kristin Belford NS3, Derek Musashe GS4, Trevor Frideres DS2, Chris Denton MS3, Jinnell Lewis MS4, Jason Deignan GS6, James McCormach GSO/DMICE, James McKanna GSO/DMICE, Heather Ennis Assistant Director Student Center, Karen Seresun Assistant Vice Provost Student Center, Sarah Wampold PA1, Laura Mason PA1, Laura Zeigan Library Services

  1. Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
  2. Updates (30 minutes)
    1. Student Newsletter Committee (Vijay Patel—vacation)
    2. Student Health Advisory Group (Derek Musashe): question of enrolling spouses with Aetna
    3. Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun, Jesse Hollander—vacation):
      1. Campus Services Orientation: Fri, 9/24, 3-4:30pm, at the Student Center, prior to the GSO BBQ; w/ bike commuting safety and information, March Wellness, Welcome to OR table, $5 bike helmets?, flu shots thru health center happening now (check with your program or the student health center for dates, times, and locations); you can get an free OHSU ‘tumbler’; different departments will be present, volunteer opportunities, student health, fin aid, environmental health & safety.
    4. March Wellness (Joan Feraco—not present):
    5. Library (Laura Zeigan):
      1. New comfy chairs upstairs, partly purchased with last year’s fundraiser that Student Council helped out with
      2. They’ve got a new piece of artwork on the wall!
      3. The 4th floor is now all-hours after-hours access with a badge, with entrance on the 4th floor; students must enter through the third floor during the day, and 4th floor after-hours
      4. Student Open House, Wed, 10/20, 4:30-6, Halloween-themed, with food and prizes
    6. Community Service Fair Discussion (Katie Yates—not present)
    7. Intramurals (Heather Ennis):
      1. Registration for intramurals will be in several weeks, with late start of Oct. 11; options include the usual soccer, basketball and volleyball
      2. She’ll be at SON orientation to educate new nursing students about it
  3. Approval of Past Minutes (5 minutes)
    1. Minutes approved for July & August 2010
    2. Minutes from June not accessible for meeting; will be obtained and up for approval at October meeting.
  1. Updates (cont’d)
    1. Medical: MS1—just started, no reps present (may not be elected yet); MS2—no reps present, although MS2s present for funding request able to contribute: Specialty Speed Dating on Tuesday, 11/16/10; Talk on 9/21 Tom Kirsch MD, Emergency Medicine physician from Johns Hopkins, sponsored by IMIG, AMSA, speaking on the future of disaster response, primarily about his experiences in Haiti and Chile, noontime, free, OL Auditorium, scouncil@ohsu.edu (Merlin Curry); MS3—on clinical rotations; MS4—residency applications!
    2. Dental: Beach orientation, where they focused on team-building; DS1s have started, and are presently having elections; everyone else starts back up in two weeks
    3. Pharmacy: Start up again in two weeks
    4. GSO:
      1. GSO BBQ! CROET courtyard (at the med school, where the half head (statue) is, 9/24, 5pm, following the campus services orientation from 3-4:30pm
      2. In touch with Susan Sugarman re: community volunteerism
      3. A big priority this year is bringing in West Campus (Hillsboro) and distance learning students in the GSO community
      4. The first GSO meeting is in October (10/6/10?), and there will sushi! Anyone is welcome, not just GSO students.
    5. Nursing:
      1. Orientations coming up 9/16
      2. 9/19-21 Global Health Conference in Seattle—for all providers, not just nursing students
      3. AccBaccs are in session, OCNE starts in two weeks (3yr BSN)
    6. PA: PA Week is in the end of November, details to follow at next meeting
    7. Allied Health (not present):
      1. Discussion that they may need to be reinforced of student council as an opportunity. Programs considered are Clinical Lab Master’s students, Radiation Technology, Paramedics
      2. Consider redefining our quorum
  1. New Business (30 minutes)
    1. Pharm funding request--$1500-2000, to run compounding labs (this year, it’s chapstick they’re making!); they plan on visiting six to seven middle schools, teach about careers in health care, and compound chapstick. It was originally funded by Walgreen’s diversity grant, but this year Walgreen’s strongly encouraged them to explore other funding sources. They plan on doing this in the Winter and in June. (June is when OMSI does a science fair.) (Formal funding request to follow.)
    2. Med funding request--$500 to help host Dr. Tom Kirsch, speaking twice on the future of disaster response, and his experiences in Haiti and Chile: 9/21 at OL at noon, 9/22 at CROET. Everyone across the university is invited, and encouraged to attend. He is speaking on He has asked for no compensation in return, only that his trip be provided for. AMSA is covering his airfare, OHSU’s Emergency Medicine Department is helping with part of hotel accomodations cost; they still require funds to cover the difference in hotel cost, as well as transportation, and meals. They are also spending some out-of-pocket expenses to host him. 9/21 attendance!! across the university, some out of pocket funding
    3. GSO funding request—$500 for the GSO-sponsored all-hill BBQ. All students are welcome, and people visiting are welcome to attend too. (Formal funding request to follow.)
    4. Information sharing across OHSU student program—Suggestions to create a link to the blog page on the OHSU homepage vs the Education homepage; Laura spoke with Web Strategies (after the meeting) and the concensus is we will talk about our objectives for the student website and how we want to deliver information to students. At that point we may choose to with Web Strategies; on the blog there is also a forum for housing stuff, bikes, etc.; and the PULSE needs more writers, if anyone you know is interested!
    5. Student Policy Workshop—HPIG 9/22 12-1pm RJH (4329?)
    6. Incidental fees—Charlie is absent; defer till October meeting
    7. Student interest groups need to reregister each year, by 10/1, on Student Center webpage

Next Meeting: Friday, Oct, 2010, 12:00-1:30pm


Fall Sports - Reminder to Sign UP!


Fall2010 Flier.doc

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes

OHSU Student Council

8/13/10 12-1pm

Location: Student Center Media Room

Attendants: Jesse Hollander, Kirsten Williams, Jason Deignan, Rachel Seltzer, Ben Kong, Jason Tee, Michael Sparrow, Vijay Patel, Katie Yates, Joan Feraco, Charlie Muraki
  1. Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes)
  2. Updates (30 minutes)
    1. Student Newsletter Committee (Vijay Patel): Student newsletter will be published in fall. Contributions for articles will be solicited beginning in the September.
    2. Student Health Advisory Group (Derek Musashe): During last month’s meetings, it was brought up that there is student loans cover the health care insurance premiums over the summer. The timing of end of the summer term and the beginning of the fall term for almost all schools allows students to have coverage even though there may be a summer break. On a related issue, this may not cover costs of summer break housing and non-tuition related expenses for some schools.
    3. Student Center Planning Committee (Jesse Hollander & Charlie Muraki):
      1. The Student Center is now open on Saturdays from 9am-5pm. We should all try and get more people here during these hours to continue support to keep it open on the weekend. Food service on Saturdays will open on 9/25/10. Hours to be announced.
      2. Jesse and Charlie met with Steve, head of Nutrition Services, regarding serving alcohol at the Student Center, with a permit to serve all the time. This seems less likely for two reasons. 1) OHSU is hesitant with health services and health providers on the same campus and providing the mission of healthcare in a safe and legal setting. 2) It is expensive to have an OLCC permit for a member’s only venue for just a monthly permit. Another option is a monthly event and/or contract with catering company to have a liquor license at certain times. Having a public bar versus a members only venue was discussed. Revenue generation is a potential benefit to serving alcohol at the student center in any capacity. Ideas proposed were kegs, wine tastings, and having it open to families.
      3. One consideration mentioned is to be sure we are using incidental fees for the benefit of a significant portion of the student body. If this only appeals to a small subset of students, it becomes more difficult to justify requiring every student to pay these dollars in required incidental fees.
      4. One concern re: the serving of alcohol is a potential safety issue with the swimming pool. The pool may be closed or a security watch may be placed on it during the hours that alcohol is served.
    4. March Wellness (Joan Feraco):
      1. To ensure students are aware of March Wellness and the services offered, they’ve prepared some paper stuffs for school orientations. Most schools have responded, except the SOM.
      2. Nursing students have been asked to pay community prices over the summer. SOP (pharmacy) still without access during fourth year, although there is talk of allowing them to pay for the months they rotate here. It is unclear if medical students have access through incidental fees during the summer between 1st and 2nd year. UPDATE: Fourth year pharmacy students may pay for the months they are located in Portland. Monthly dues are $65. Nursing students do not pay community prices ($102). If they pay incidental fees, they have full access. I think the issues lie with March membership for nursing students who are on a schedule different from other schools (e.g. not full-time over the summer, not considered to be in school although required to take classes, term dates are scheduled differently, etc.). They are being asked to pay community prices over the summer. (Is this appropriate? Are they paying incidental fees year-round?) Medical students between their first and second years have access if paying incidental fees. If not, monthly dues are $65 for July and $65 for August.
      3. March will now offer residents a reduced-fee membership. UPDATE: Residents will not be charged monthly dues when they are assigned to other locations. Residents must inform March Wellness 1 month prior to a location change. (Given their schedules are likely similar to fourth year pharmacy schedules in the number of on-hill vs. off-hill rotations, what are thoughts on managing them similarly vs. differently?)
      4. Obviously March membership fees are not competitive with community gym membership fees. There is a question of what students’ and/or residents’ needs are in a fitness center. (Not brought up at the meeting: is it possible to offer students, and/or residents, and/or the public at-large the option of paying the price for full-membership versus an alternative lower fee for a limited membership, either just access to gym facilities, vs. facilities + classes, vs. facilities + classes + spa services, etc.?)
    5. Library (Laura Zeigan):
      1. Not present
    6. Community Service Fair Discussion (Katie Yates):
      1. This will be the 5th Annual Community Service Fair
      2. Thursday, October 7th, at the Student Center
      3. She has lots of organizations lined up to invite, and welcomes suggestions for any we left out.
    7. School representative reports (skipped in the interest of time)
      1. Medical:
      2. Dental:
      3. Pharmacy:
      4. GSO:
      5. Nursing:
      6. PA:
      7. Allied Health:
  3. New Business (30 minutes)
      1. Budget review (Charlie Muraki):
        1. Our student council budget comes from incidental fees (IF’s), and we currently don’t spend all the IF’s each year. Charlie met with Dr. Robert Vieira, Interim Provost, to discuss where the rest of this money goes, and if it is still accessible. Evidently, any left-over fees go into a ‘reserve’ fund.
        2. It is still unclear if these funds sit in an account, or if they are spent, and then credited to the Student Council budget. (The implication is: if we choose to spend it all right now, are those funds immediately available?)
        3. The response from Dr. Vieira is they can be used for special expenditures, e.g. funding projects at the Student Center. It does not, however, just roll over to the following year’s student council budget. Dr. Vieira will report back on the status of these funds.
        4. The next issue raised is if there are always leftover funds, how much of them do we want in the reserve fund, and do we want/can we cut IFs for students?
        5. We have already requested and been granted a regular budget report. However, they have recently hired a new person whose job description is appropriate for this, so once he/she gets acclimated to the job, we can expect a regular budget report within the next couple months.
        6. There is also discussion about and preference for the ability to manage an annual budget, as opposed to being given a partial budget per term. This is especially pertinent in light of the prevalence of student body events in the latter half of the academic year. (E.g. Cover The Uninsured Week, Student Policy Workshop, and Volunteer Banquet.)
      2. Voter Registration (not addressed)
      3. Suzy & Sarah (Legislature & OHSU Business & Ops)
        1. Rae is meeting with Sarah on Tuesday, 8/17, to discuss student preferences and priorities for the short-term future of OHSU and business and operations strategies. Please ask your fellow students to share their ideas so she can represent them at this meeting.
        2. Rae is also meeting with Suzy Funkhouser, OHSU’s lobbyist to the State Legislature, on Wednesday, 9/8. If you have issues you would like her to represent at that meeting, please let her know. The purpose of this meeting is three-fold: to form a working relationship with the Student Council, to do the same for the Health Policy Interest Group, and to ask about personal interests about public health. The goal for discussing Student Council with her is to set up what our relationship can be and what resources we can access; essentially, how to bring students and student interests closer to Salem and effecting state policy.

Next Meeting: Friday, Sept 10, 2010, 12:00-1:30pm
